It is now a life of Palm trees, laying in the grass and watching Florida sunsets for this former explosives detection dog.
For nine years, Bobby was stationed in the mid east, where this dog has worked his whole life in a dangerous situations to save others. This hero is now settled in his new life of retirement and is quickly learning what it means to be “just a dog” and enjoying all the perks of retirement — being loved and spoiled, hanging out with his new dog buddies and just enjoying life.
To learn about our military program and how we help dogs like Bobby, please visit our program page at
Together We Save Them
Operation Middle East: US Special Operations Hero Dog
Bobby has worked his whole life saving others.
This 9 year old Dutch Shepherd has been shared with joint forces and should have come home years ago, but until Dec 2014, Bobby was classified as equipment, and not a military asset. Because of this, Bobby was left behind like so much equipment when military units and teams left from their rotations in the region. Bobby has been an operational K9 for just over seven years, but what makes Bobby so important is that he was used by US Special Operations during combat operations.
Bobby is truly one of our own heroes and deserves the best retirement we can offer to him. Bobby’s current handlers think the best thing to do is get him out of that region and to the US – ASAP! Military officials will only allow The Guardians to take custody of Bobby as we have formed great relationships in overseas military zones through military rescues via our No Buddy Left Behind program.
The only way we can save Bobby is with the help of sponsors like you, who can donate toward his transport to America. The cost of this mission will be approximately $2,000. Please help this wonderful canine hero!